
Projects in California

California Department of Social Services SNAP Job Training and Employment Services

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) operates a workforce development program for CalFresh recipients called SNAP Employment and Training (E&T). In California, counties run their own E&T programs, with funding provided by the state and federal governments. GPL helped expand and improve E&T programming in three ways. First, GPL helped the state explore new ways to use federal matching funds that can create a perpetual, sustainable funding stream with a one-time investment of state dollars. Second, GPL facilitated a data match of county E&T participants to state wage records. Counties can now determine which E&T clients were ultimately able to find employment with the help of dashboards that GPL created. Finally, GPL helped pilot a statewide contract for E&T services, which will allow the state to supplement services in under-resourced communities.

Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Performance Improvement

Between 2011 and 2017, homelessness in Los Angeles had increased 75% to an estimated 55,000. To combat this epidemic, voters in the region passed Measure H and Proposition HHH, which will provide $1.2 billion in bond revenue for new housing for the homeless and $355 million annually in sales tax revenue for homeless services such as diversion/prevention, interim housing, rapid re-housing, and permanent supportive housing.


The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is an independent joint powers authority whose role is to coordinate the use of federal and local funding for homeless services across Los Angeles County. Measure H and Proposition HHH brought a large influx of resources to an agency that already managed over $243 million annually in federal, state, county, and city funds. The increase in resources highlighted the urgency for accountability and demonstrable progress in ending homelessness in Los Angeles. 


To help them accomplish this goal, GPL helped LAHSA set up a performance management system called Active Contract Management (ACM) that allows LAHSA to engage in high frequency reviews of performance and outcomes data with providers, and work collaboratively to improve results.

San Francisco, CA Workforce Development Contract Alignment

As part of Bloomberg Philanthropies’ What Works Cities initiative, the GPL provided pro bono technical assistance to help San Francisco improve its workforce development outcomes by 1) better aligning services, funding, and contracting across departments and 2) incorporating performance-based payments in contracts held by the Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD).

California Criminal Justice Pay for Success Grant Competition

In 2014, California passed a bill authorizing the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) to grant $5 million dollars to up to three counties to launch outcomes-driven recidivism reduction projects. With pro-bono technical assistance from the GPL, BSCC designed and implemented a competitive process to select county projects that would reduce recidivism while shaping a new model for how local governments deliver programming - focusing on tracking and using data effectively, reducing traditional siloes within government, and incentivizing performance. Alameda County, Los Angeles County, and Ventura County each launched a Pay for Success project that have collectively produced approximately $30 million dollars of preventative and outcomes-driven services to reduce recidivism across the state.

Los Angeles Strategic Procurement System

The GPL is helping the City of Los Angeles create a formalized outcomes-oriented strategic procurement system that aims to modernize and improve the results of their contracting process. Currently, the City has a decentralized procurement system, which has contributed to departments often not achieving top results from their contracted dollars.

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